Your Core Trader Principles Dictate Your Trading Performance
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Your Core Trader Skills Amplify Your Trading Performance!
Since the mid-1990’s, we’ve observed that most traders invest more time working on traditional trading skills than their own core principles and core skills. Those skills, once proficiently mastered, increase their ability to explore and discover options, find solutions, evaluate concepts, and think both creatively and logically.
WindoTrader’s Trader Performance Essentials Process is a one-to-one, personalized process for WindoTraderBLUE subscribers, striving to close the gap between what they know and what they do.
What we believe and why we developed Trader Performance Essentials:
- We believe every individual possess a unique collection of core principles and skills. Some you’re highly aware of and use a guides and enhancers of your trading performance. And some you’re not.
- Yet, as time and clients have proven, when you clarified and capitalized on, they increase your probability for achieving the trading performance results you seek.
Bottomline: Trader Performance Essentials helps you develop models to clarify, enhance, and capitalize on your core trader principles and your core trader skills.
Core Trader Principles, when clarified and confirmed, increase your ability to . . .
- trade in your own best interest
- know why you do, what you do
- respond, versus react, to the market
- determine who can truly help you
- minimize and eliminate distractions
- deliberately allocate resources
- make better life and trading decisions
Core Trader Skills, also known as ‘soft skills’, when proficiently developed and applied to your trading, help you . . .
- expand your ability to whole-brain think
- determine what’s important and relevant
- process, synthesize and use information
- design and implement plans that work
- develop models and systems based on the synthesis of strategies and tactics
Why Trader Performance Essentials Works because it’s your process and you do the work supported by our facilitations. Our role is to help you develop, implement, and improve models that . . .
- transform your trading purpose into a magnet that keeps you focused on ‘why’.
- require consistent adherence to your core trader principles.
- ‘raise-the-bar’ on how you capitalize on your core trader skills.
- challenge you to determine what’s actually relevant and important.
- support you in achieving all that you’re capable of achieving as a trader.
Subscribers who gain the most from our Trader Performance Essentials Process are experienced, competent traders who are competent in initiating, managing, and exiting positions, and confident they are capable of achieving more but are unsure as to how to do it.
Trader Performance Essentials Process consists of a series of meetings and independent, self-managed projects over a period of four weeks. The fee for Trader Performance Essentials is $1,850.
To learn more, go here and schedule a ‘Is Trader Performance Essentials Right for Me? call wherein we’ll learn more about each other and mutually see IF and HOW we’re a good fit to work together through this process.