Be an empowering resource for traders striving to be the trader they’re capable of being
To develop software and support services that help traders make better trading decisions
To provide resources that help traders take control of their trading and trade with confidence
We do what we say or make it right
We challenge the status quo to grow
We disrupt to achieve results
We facilitate self-empowerment
We deliver support that makes a difference

Terry Liberman
“I believe quality trading tools are an investment. Your return on your investment correlates directly with your proficiency in capitalizing on your tools.”
Trading is my second career, following many years as a business consultant and coach.
After struggling and failing for four years as a new trader, I discovered the Market Profile. As I studied and understood its principles, my understanding of the market increased exponentially. I began to understand why and how the market did what it did. I gained proficiency interpreting market activity and making better trading decisions. Bottom line, the Market Profile gave me a solid edge in my trading and was a primary factor in reversing my failures to achieve the success I sought.
In 2001, after three plus years of trying almost every software application on the market and doing real-time profiles by hand, I found a software application that did a few things I wanted and needed, and bought the company. The early version of WindoTrader that I’d purchased had a unique way of displaying data that I believed could be expanded and enhanced. The next challenge was finding a software developer who understood what I was after, and I was fortunate to find Eric Cassidy.
With Eric’s unique ability to translate my designs and concepts into code, and through several iterations he did just that until I got what I wanted.
Today, WindoTraderBLUE, our flagship application, is widely used by trading educators, professional traders, and independent discretionary traders to interpret market activity and make higher-probability trading decisions.
In 2013, frustrated with seeing traders, serious about their trading and working hard for years striving for success—fail, I launched the ExceptionalTrader. Its purpose to help discretionary traders use WindoTraderBLUE as a catalyst to achieve their trading goals.

Maril Lee
Client Support and Administrative Manager
“From the moment of each client’s initial contact, I coordinate their scheduling to monitoring their progress based on pre-determined milestones.”
“From each subscriber’s or client’s initial contact through answering basic questions and coordinating calls with other team members, my goal is on making sure we deliver exceptional support.”
As the former owner of two businesses and knowing first-hand the real value of exceptional service and support, I continually look for ways to enhance our value to cusscribers and clients.
I believe my unique knowledge and experience, both as a business owner and a trader managing my own portfolio, contributes greatly to overseeing WindoTrader’s support team and it’s business operations.

Eric Cassidy
Lead Developer and Tech Division Manager
“I developed WindoTrader and continue to improve our technology-driven support tools to help subscribers reach their trading goals.”
In 2002, while working as the lead developer for a software design and development firm, I met Terry, who had some very definite and creative ideas about what he wanted in a trading software application. While I had no experience at that time in trading and investment analysis applications, I was the first person he talked to who conceptually understood what he wanted.
It took us about 18 months, but we finally developed WindoTrader to work as Terry wanted. We continued over the next couple of years to expand WindoTrader’s advanced functionality. As time passed, other traders began to ask if they could purchase the software. Ultimately we developed a user-friendly front-end that provides full control over the configuration of objects displayed on the screen and made it available on a subscription basis.
I see it as my job to work relentlessly on improving, refining, and shaping WindoTrader’s software to best serve the traders who now rely on it.