The primary benefits of the Trading2Trader Process are:
- Control: Greater control of your trading process and trading performance.
- Savings: Savings of time, energy, and money because you’ll know what you need to do and not do to achieve your trading objectives.
- Results: Results from the models and systems you create based on your trading preferences and defined trading capabilities.
Trading2Trader is a process — not an event or program. Your success depends on the degree to which you take ownership of this Process in personalizing, working and refining it.
Those who gain the most from Trading2Trader are:
Experienced in and use the Market Profile to increase their interpretation and understanding of past and current market activity.
Knowledgeable and competent in risk management including initiating, managing, and exiting positions.
Determined to develop themselves as traders and managers of their trading business.
Frustrated with their results to-date . . . .
- knowing they are capable of more
- on the time, energy, and money they’ve invested to-date
Yes. The majority of the principles and concepts that we offer are available in the Resources section.
Clients work with us because:
- We ask the difficult questions most clients won’t ask themselves to discover the real issue versus the symptoms.
- We provide feedback and support to help develop models and systems to effectively resolve issues and solve problems.
- We work with you versus doing it for you. Our facilitation helps you clarify, understand, own, and expand your capabilities.
- We challenge your current beliefs and mental models to help you determine what important and relevant to you, the trader.
- We facilitate clarification; coach performance, and support your independence.
- We share proven concept-models for your consideration and personalization.
- We accelerate a client’s desired development by helping them build a solid foundation that enhances their trader skills proficiency.
- Bottomline: We help you define and capitalize on what you’re capable of doing, achieving, and being
- The Trading2Trader Process is typically sixty (60) days and mutually agreed on prior to starting.
- Trading2Trader Processes are comprised of three stages: Facilitation, Coaching, and Support.
- Trading2Trader Process fees start at $8,500.
Great question! Trading2Trader DOES NOT tell you:
- Who to or not to interact with, learn from or work with.
- What to do, not do, or when and where to do what you do.
- Where or when to buy or sell, or NOT buy or sell.
- How you should or should not do things, trade or live.
- Why you should or should not do something.
- In other words, you’re the trader and those are the decisions your responsible for answering.
- As facilitators, we help you discover and clarify what you need to do to achieve the results you seek.
- As coaches, we help and ‘nudge’ you to do what you promised.
- As a support resource, we share our 20+ years of knowledge and experience. Additionally we include what other traders have done to reach their goals, what worked and what did not.
Bottomline —Trading2Trader is a resource. We focus our know-ledge and experience on helping you go further, faster.
We support our Trading2Trader clients with . . .
- Short-Term Support Coaching engagements available via mutual agreement.
- Weekly WindoTraderBLUE & BeyondBLUE webinars focused on how WindoTraderBLUE helped trader’s trade current contracts plus ideas for raising-the bar on your trading performance.
- Complimentary telephone support calls via our Trading2Trader support tickets.
Candidly, neither of us knows the answer to your question at this point in time. To make an informed decision, we invite you to schedule a complimentary ‘Are We a Good Fit’ Call. The objectives of the call are:
To learn more about each other, our backgrounds, general trading beliefs, present positions, and objectives.
To determine if it’s in our mutual best interest to schedule a Trading2Trader Assessment Meeting determine IF and HOW we can achieve win-win results.
Below you can schedule your ‘Are We a Good Fit’ Call and choose a time that works for you.